Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Procrastination averted!

I did begin yesterday, what a great thing to have a day off :) I popped in a couple of movies and away I went.

I found that after dealing with the DPNs, and several false starts, I had to knit the first 8 sts before spreading them out on the needles. That seemed to help with the tricky-ness of the whole thing. I then switched to a 16" circ as I was somewhat tired of the DPNs - and wanted to try out my new stitch markers. My stitch markers are lock washers! We were out and about last night and Fred Meyer didn't have any stitch markers available, so I had to be a bit creative. They wouldn't be good for any needles much larger than what I am using (8), but for $1.09/20 I think they'll work for the time being. I was very proud of myself.

I'm looking forward to moving to the larger circ's here soon, and feeling like I'm doing some "real" work. So far, I'm feeling motivated...we'll see how long that lasts!

So here is my question to my KAL'ers - will we be discussing Kitchener tips when we get there?? I've not done it before - and am most nervous about that aspect of the project.


Wen said...

Hehee! Love the lock washer idea. My hubby might just get interested in my knitting if I send him to the local hardware for lock washers. ROFL!

Keep up the good work! I'm waiting RATHER IMPATIENTLY for my yarn!

Becky said...

Glad to hear you made it over the hump over dealing with those 6 tiny stitches. Can't wait to see your progress!
I know we will definitely need to do some detailed blogging to deal with the kitchner stitch on the handles.

Pam in Montrose said...

I expect we'll be discussing kitchener stitching more than once, LOL. Actually, I haven't read that far ahead in the pattern, it may be that a 3 needle bind-off will work just as well.