Saturday, July 22, 2006

The French Market Bag KAL

Well, here is the yarn, procured less than 24 hours ago. I love shops that stay open until 7pm :) She wound them for me (yay!) so DH and I didn't have to deal with it...he's a master at unwinding and making the knotty all straightened up again, but it is time consuming.

I digress. Now that I've got my wool, it's going to be 80-90+ degrees here this weekend. Wool in the lap, sounds fun, eh?

OK, we'll see if the KAL will really keep me motivated.

Confidential to Le Tour fans: GO FLOYD!!


OLPP said...

i'm knitting myself a hankie, into which i shall cry my "the tour is over!" tears.

Purple E said...

Yes, yes, I know the feeling!! :(

Until next year. . . the other races just don't fill the gap