Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A picture is worth 1,000's of stitches...

Well, this is my progress. It's going. But I'm not knitting that quickly. I really have plenty of time on Monday's to knit, but the rest of the week, well, I'm busy! :) I work and have a life. Not to mention, a husband who really likes to actually spend time with me! Apparently, watching me knit a seemingly endless spiral isn't all that thrilling.

I plan to have plenty of time to work on this over the next weekend. I'll be camping with aforementioned DH at Mt. St. Helen's for the weekend. He's mtn biking, I'll be hiking and/or relaxing with books, the dog, and my knitting. 200 sts around is alot of stitches...

And, to all my friends--my Dear "Auntie N" sent me good, Iowa sweetcorn via express mail. I had a fabulous dinner tonight! Yummy! There is nothing like real Iowa sweetcorn. I won't be home this summer, as is my "usual" plan, so she fixed me up! My favorite part of summer in Iowa. If you've never had sweetcorn from Iowa, you are truly missing out. It compares to NO other. Nope, it doesn't.

1 comment:

Becky said...

The round and round 200 sts does get pretty boring, but once you're near the end it picks up, because you will be so excited to do the handles - just to do something different!